Starter quiz

  • Select three adverbs from the list below
    • Arguably  ✓
    • Argumentative
    • Domineering
    • Quickly  ✓
    • Perhaps  ✓
  • Which of the following conjunctions should not be used to compare differences between characters?
    • Likewise  ✓
    • Whilst
    • Whereas
  • Select the two synonyms for treacherous?
    • Trustworthy
    • Deceitful  ✓
    • Duplicitous  ✓
    • Faithful
  • How was King Duncan murdered?
    • In a battle with Macbeth.
    • Macbeth kills him in his sleep.  ✓
    • Macbeth pays two murderers to kill him.
    • Macbeth pays two murderes to kill him in his sleep.
    • Lady Macbeth kills him in his sleep.
  • Why was Lady Macbeth unable to murder King Duncan herself? Select the best response.
    • Lady Macbeth felt guilty.
    • Lady Macbeth felt guilty because a sleeping Duncan reminded her of her father.  ✓
    • She is a women and women are not expected to murder.
    • She was too afraid of getting caught.
  • Select the most complex inference below about the significance of Malcolm ending the play as king.
    • Malcolm is the rightful heir.
    • The Divine Right of Kings demands Malcolm is the rightful heir.
    • Malcolm's ascension is a warning against defying the natural and divine order.  ✓