Starter quiz

  • When is 'Macbeth' set?
    • the Jacobean period
    • Shakespearean times
    • 11th century Scotland  ✓
    • Jacobean Scotland
    • 16th century Scotland
  • Which words describe Jacobean society?
    • a meritocracy
    • patriarchal  ✓
    • matriarchal
    • hierarchical  ✓
  • A ______ villain describes someone who gets what they want in cunning, ruthless and immoral ways.
    • 'Machiavellian' ✓
  • What happens in Act 5, Scene 1 of 'Macbeth'?
    • Lady Macbeth is murdered.
    • Lady Macbeth meets the witches.
    • Lady Macbeth is consumed by guilt.  ✓
    • Lady Macbeth chooses to take her own life.
    • Lady Macbeth asks Macbeth 'What's to be done?' about Banquo.
  • In Act 3, Scene 4 of 'Macbeth', Macbeth seeks the witches. Why would this have been a shocking moment for the play's first Jacobean audiences?
    • Macbeth is a King. The witches should come to him.
    • He relies on evil supernatural creatures, not the power of God.  ✓
    • Before they appeared before him by chance, now he actively seeks them.  ✓
    • Witches were believed to be evil and unreliable.  ✓
    • The witches have threatened to kill him if they see him again.
  • In what ways does Shakespeare use Act 3, Scene 4 of 'Macbeth' to signal Lady Macbeth's diminishing power?
    • She doesn't have a plan about what to do about Banquo. Instead, Macbeth does.  ✓
    • She doesn't enjoy being monarch, calling it 'nought'.  ✓
    • Macbeth relies on the witches to support him, not her.  ✓
    • She sees Banquo's Ghost, thus her mind is beginning to deteriorate.
    • She emasculates Macbeth to no effect.  ✓