Starter quiz

  • The character of Brod is in three scenes of 'Leave Taking'. Match the scenes to their plot points.
    • Scene Two
      spends an evening with Enid having dinner with a Pastor ✓
    • Scene Three
      is with Enid when she learns of her mother's death ✓
    • Scene Seven
      wakes up, hungover, at Mai's house after Enid throws him out ✓
  • Brod, a character in 'Leave Taking', has an influence and impact on each of the Matthews women. Match his influence to the character.
    • Enid
      supports her, but also challenges the way she brings up her daughters ✓
    • Viv
      encourages her to explore her cultural heritage ✓
    • Del
      explains a difficult period of her mother's life to her ✓
  • Enid and Brod, two characters from 'Leave Taking', are presented as having migrated from Jamaica to Britain post war. Why was there a mass migration movement from the West Indies to Jamaica after WW2?
    • Jamaica was part of the Commonwealth: citizens had the right to enter Britain.  ✓
    • There was a labour shortage in Britain: people were encouraged to come and work.  ✓
    • Britain was a prosperous and welcoming country.
    • Many Caribbeans had fought for Britain and had a strong sense of Britishness.  ✓
    • The housing available was affordable and luxurious.
  • In Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Enid says she wants to go to the West Indies because " ______ says you don't know who you are 'less you've been there."
    • 'Uncle Brod' ✓
  • Like Enid and Brod in 'Leave Taking', Pinnock's parents migrated to Britain. Pinnock describes how they "didn't complain and ______ discussed hardships" despite the difficulties they faced in Britain."
    • 'rarely' ✓
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Brod describes how he had to pay to become a British citizen in a naturalisation process. Why does this anger him so much?
    • He already considered himself British; this process undermines his identity.  ✓
    • He has to naturalise himself, but also his family who he considers British.
    • He has been extremely patriotic all his life. The process feels like a betrayal.  ✓
    • He has lived in Britain for over 30 years; his sense of home has been destroyed.  ✓
    • He can't believe how much it costs; he thinks it should be cheaper.