Starter quiz

  • In 'Leave Taking', which character suggests that Viv should question what she is being taught at school?
    • Enid
    • Del
    • Mai
    • Brod  ✓
  • Match these key words to their definitions. Each word helps us understand Pinnock's exploration of education in 'Leave Taking'.
    • formal education
      learning that happens in institutions ✓
    • informal education
      learning that occurs outside a formal setting ✓
    • Eurocentric
      a focus on European culture, ignoring culture from the wider world ✓
  • How does Scene Two of 'Leave Taking' begin?
    • with Enid and Del fighting
    • with Brod drinking
    • with Enid cleaning, and Viv studying  ✓
    • with an obeah reading
    • with Enid learning her mother has died
  • Viv appears in five scenes of 'Leave Taking'. Match her scenes to their plot points.
    • Scene One
      is taken to an obeah reading; wants to ask about her exam results ✓
    • Scene Two
      studies whilst Enid cleans the house ✓
    • Scene Three
      expresses that she wants to take a gap year ✓
    • Scene Four
      Enid gives her money for university ✓
    • Scene Five
      skips one of her A Level exams ✓
  • Why does Viv skip one of her A Level exams in Scene Five of 'Leave Taking'?
    • she wants to impress Del
    • Brod tells her to
    • Enid has agreed that she can take a gap year
    • she wants to become an obeah woman rather than go to university
    • she wants to rebel against the formal education system  ✓
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid and Brod disagree about the value of of Del and Viv knowing about their Jamaican heritage. Brod says, "You ______ these girls all wrong."
    • 'teaching' ✓