Starter quiz

  • What is rhetoric?
    • a command or order
    • the art of persuasive communication  ✓
    • an exaggerated statement for emphasis
    • a distrustful, pessimistic outlook
  • Which rhetorical device involves expressing a direct command or order?
    • collective personal pronoun
    • rhetorical question
    • imperative  ✓
    • hyperbole
  • In 'Animal Farm', Napoleon's use of rhetoric has a tone which could be described as...
    • sincere and earnest
    • calm and soothing
    • aggressive and angry  ✓
    • inclusive and joyful
  • In 'Animal Farm', how does Snowball respond to Mollie's question about "ribbons" after the Rebellion?
    • with an imperative command
    • by using a collective personal pronoun
    • with a rhetorical question  ✓
    • by presenting an earnest and serious response
  • What conclusion can be drawn about the pigs' use of rhetoric in 'Animal Farm'?
    • All pigs use rhetoric in the same way.
    • The pigs use different rhetorical styles.  ✓
    • Napoleon and Squealer focus on inspiration.
    • Snowball relies on fear to control the animals
  • Match the rhetorical device to the quote from 'Animal Farm' which uses it.
    • Rhetorical question
      "Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed?" ✓
    • Imperative
      "No more delays" ✓
    • Hyperbole
      "Fountain of happiness" ✓
    • Collective personal pronoun
      "Comrades!" ✓
    • Rule of three
      “Our lives are miserable, laborious and short.” ✓