Starter quiz

  • In 'Animal Farm', what does the quote "uttered a high-pitched whimper" reveal about Napoleon's character?
    • His kindness and compassion.
    • His realisation as a totalitarian leader.  ✓
    • His fear of the other animals.
    • His indifference to the suffering of others.
  • In 'Animal Farm', how does the quote "Never mind the milk, comrades!" reveal Napoleon's methods of control and corruption?
    • It highlights his concern for the animals' well-being.
    • It shows how basic needs are used to control the animals.  ✓
    • It signifies a gesture of generosity from Napoleon.
    • It symbolises the pigs' commitment to equality.
  • Which literary device is employed in this quote from 'Animal Farm', "It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples"?
    • symbolism  ✓
    • simile
    • metaphor
    • irony
  • In 'Animal Farm' which character is sent to the "knackers" in chapter 9?
    • 'Boxer' ✓
  • In 'Animal Farm', Orwell uses what type of structure?
    • cyclical  ✓
    • linear
    • dual narrative
    • retrospective
  • Complete the quote from 'Animal Farm': "Let's face it: our lives are miserable, ..."
    • 'laborious and short' ✓