Starter quiz

  • Pinnock includes stage directions in her play, 'Leave Taking'. What is true of stage directions?
    • They are present in all different text types.
    • They are often written in italics.  ✓
    • They give some sort of instruction to a director or actor.  ✓
    • They shouldn't be analysed in an analytical essay.
    • They don't count as part of the script itself; only dialogue counts.
  • In 'Leave Taking', one of the play's central characters is Mai, an obeah woman. Obeah is a series of spell-casting and ______ traditions found in the Caribbean.
    • 'healing' ✓
  • In 'Leave Taking', the characters of Del and Mai meet in Scene One. How would you characterise their initial relationship?
    • They bond over their shared interest in obeah.
    • Del asks Mai questions about Jamaica.
    • Mai says Del can talk to her whenever she wants. Del declines the offer.  ✓
    • Del is rude about obeah, Mai and her home.  ✓
    • Del tries to steal something from Mai but is found out.  ✓
  • At the end of Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid slaps Del. What happens next?
    • Del cries.
    • Del leaves the family home.  ✓
    • Del slaps Enid.
    • Del says, 'That's the last time'.  ✓
    • Del says, 'Pastor soon come.' and gets ready, ignoring what has happened.
  • At the end of Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Mai offers to be a confidante to Del if she ever needs to talk. Del says, 'I got ______ I wanna talk.'
    • 'friends' ✓
  • At the end of Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Mai says to Del, 'I can see you ______ to talk.'
    • 'need' ✓