Starter quiz

  • Who does the term 'The Windrush Generation' refer to?
    • Anyone who migrates from one country to another.
    • Those who migrated to Britain in the three decades following WW2.  ✓
    • Anyone from the British Commonwealth.
    • Solely those who sailed from Jamaica to Britain on the Empire Windrush in 1948.
    • British citizens who support migration.
  • In 'Leave Taking', what do the characters of Enid and Brod have in common?
    • They are both parents.
    • They are both extremely patriotic to Britain.
    • They both migrated from Jamaica to England when they were young adults.  ✓
    • They both hide their past lives in Jamaica.
    • They have the same mother.
  • In 'Leave Taking', what is Enid's job?
    • nurse
    • transport worker
    • cleaner  ✓
    • teacher
    • obeah woman
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Brod says 'All my life I think of meself as a ______ subject'.
    • 'British' ✓
  • By the end of Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', what does Pinnock establish about the relationship Viv and Del have with Jamaica?
    • They know very little about it or their mother's past.  ✓
    • Del doesn't appear to be interested, even being rude about obeah.  ✓
    • They are both really interested in finding out more, perhaps even visiting.
    • Viv has talked to Brod about it and wants to know more about it.  ✓
    • They have visited a couple of times to see their grandmother.
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid says of her children, 'I ______ a my English girls.'
    • 'proud' ✓