Starter quiz

  • In Scene Seven of 'Leave Taking', what does Brod tell Del?
    • that Viv is going to university to pursue Black Studies
    • that her grandmother is dead
    • that he had to pay £50 to complete a naturalisation process
    • that her father used to abuse her mother  ✓
    • that he visits his wife and children in Jamaica often
  • Why does Del leave home in Scene Two of 'Leave Taking'?
    • she doesn't want to have dinner with the Pastor
    • she has a violent fight with Viv
    • she has a violent fight with Enid  ✓
    • she wants to move in with her boyfriend
    • she wants to move in with Mai
  • The character of Brod is in three scenes of 'Leave Taking'. Match these scenes to their plot points.
    • Scene Two
      Brod questions Viv's Eurocentric education. ✓
    • Scene Three
      Brod talks to Enid about their past in Jamaica. ✓
    • Scene Seven
      Brod tells Del about her mother's experience of domestic abuse. ✓
  • In Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Mai asks Enid if she wants her husband back. How does Enid respond?
    • she says it's not possible because her husband has passed away
    • she says she doesn't want him back; she can raise her children herself  ✓
    • she says she wants him back as she needs help with her children, especially Del
    • she says she will come back another day for this but the focus this time is Del
    • she says her husband has returned to Jamaica
  • In Scene Eight of 'Leave Taking', Del says to Enid, "Uncle Brod told me what that man did to you." What does she mean?
    • Brod has told her about her father's excessive drinking
    • Brod has told her about talking in tongues during a service in Jamaica
    • Brod has told her that Enid's father never spoke to her after she migrated
    • Brod has told her that her father used to abuse Enid  ✓
    • Brod has told her that her ex-boyfriend Roy has been round asking for Del
  • In the introduction to 'Leave Taking', Pinnock says she created Enid as the heroine of the play because she "couldn't ever recall seeing such a character - a ______ - as the lead in a British play."
    • 'hospital cleaner' ✓