Starter quiz

  • In 'Leave Taking', how old is the character of Del?
    • 16
    • 17
    • 18  ✓
    • 19
    • 20
  • In 'Leave Taking', how old is the character of Viv?
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17  ✓
    • 18
    • 19
  • In 'Leave Taking', when and why does Del leave home?
    • Scene One - after fighting with Enid about obeah
    • Scene Two - after fighting with Enid about losing her job  ✓
    • Scene Three - after fighting with Enid about the Pastor visiting
    • Scene Four - after a heart to heart with Enid about the death of her mother
    • Scene Five - after a fight with Viv about skipping one of her A Level exams
  • In 'Leave Taking', when and why does Viv leave home?
    • Scene One - after fighting with Enid about obeah
    • Scene Three - after Enid slaps Del
    • Scene Five - after skipping an A Level exam
    • Scene Seven - Enid throws her and Brod out of the house  ✓
  • Starting with the first, order the plot points related to the relationship between Del and Mai in 'Leave Taking', in chronological order.
    • 1
      Del is rude to Mai behind her back
    • 2
      Mai says she is around if Del ever needs to talk
    • 3
      Del tries to steal a charm from Mai
    • 4
      Del moves in with Mai
    • 5
      Mai teachers Del about obeah practices
    • 6
      Mai tests Del on obeah
    • 7
      Mai asks Del to complete an obeah reading for Enid
  • In her introduction to 'Leave Taking', what does Pinnock call Viv and Del?
    • victims of the Windrush scandal
    • first generation immigrants
    • feminists
    • this new breed of Black British woman  ✓
    • enigmatic (mysterious) figures