Starter quiz

  • "Like a map indicating where you inject". What technique is this an example of?
    • 'Simile' ✓
  • "Thin and gaunt, and carry a pungent smell on you". This sentence uses three...
    • verbs
    • adjectives  ✓
    • nouns
    • pronouns
  • Which of these synonyms match the word turbulent?
    • peaceful
    • stormy  ✓
    • explosive  ✓
    • colourful
  • Which statements show that you have used quotes judiciously?
    • They are analytically rich and have interesting features to comment on.  ✓
    • They are chosen from the breadth of the text and offer a range.  ✓
    • They are well selected and illuminate your point.  ✓
    • They summarise your ideas concisely.
  • A closing sentence should...
    • use long quotes
    • introduce a new idea
    • conclude ideas and arguments  ✓
    • analyse language in detail
  • Match the device with the quotation.
    • metaphor
      "paradise of opium eaters" ✓
    • juxtaposition
      "agent of unimaginable pleasure and pain" ✓
    • exclamative
      "Opium!" ✓
    • religious imagery
      "unconcious minister of celestial pleasures" ✓