Starter quiz

  • Which of these is a feature that you could walk past in your local area?
    • a postbox  ✓
    • a lamp post  ✓
    • a motorway
  • What is an opinion?
    • information about an area
    • a thought or a belief  ✓
    • a fact
    • a discussion
  • A risk is something that might put us in...
    • 'danger' ✓
  • What must you consider when planning a route?
    • safety  ✓
    • distance  ✓
    • how many postboxes you pass
    • how long it takes to complete  ✓
  • What colour represents play areas on a map?
    • red
    • green  ✓
    • blue
    • grey
  • Maps have one of these to help us understand the colours and symbols they show, what is it called?
    Maps have one of these to help us understand the colours and symbols they show, what is it called?
    • a map Chain
    • a map Key  ✓
    • a map Grid
    • a map set