Starter quiz

  • What is an example of weather?
    • rain  ✓
    • wind  ✓
    • flower
    • sun  ✓
  • Which words describe the weather?
    • cold  ✓
    • tree
    • hot  ✓
    • windy  ✓
    • leaf
  • What are seasons?
    • How the air feels outside right now.
    • Four different times during the year with different types of weather in each.  ✓
    • Five times a year when the weather is the same.
  • What are the names of the seasons?
    • Summer  ✓
    • Autumn  ✓
    • October
    • Spring  ✓
    • Winter  ✓
  • Signs that it is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn include:
    • colder days  ✓
    • hot sunny days
    • leaves turning brown  ✓
    • darker days  ✓
  • In autumn leaves change from green to:
    • yellow  ✓
    • black
    • red  ✓
    • blue
    • brown  ✓