Starter quiz

  • Which of these are physical features you might see in your local area?
    • post box
    • hedge  ✓
    • shops
    • trees  ✓
    • carpark
  • What helps to decide the type of transport people choose to use to get to school?
    • length of the journey  ✓
    • the weather  ✓
    • what they have for breakfast
  • Why is fieldwork important?
    • you collect data  ✓
    • you see and experience what you have learnt about in the classroom  ✓
    • you sometimes get to go on a coach
    • you investigate issues  ✓
  • Which of these are used as locational language?
    • in between  ✓
    • next to  ✓
    • floor
    • above  ✓
  • Why are risk assessments important?
    • to identify dangers  ✓
    • to find solutions to the dangers  ✓
    • to practice filling collecting data
  • Match the problem to a suitable solution.
    • heavy rain is expected
      make sure everyone has a raincoat ✓
    • working near a stream
      stay away from the edge ✓
    • busy road to cross
      use a pedestrian crossing ✓
    • travelling by coach
      wear your seatbelt ✓