Starter quiz

  • Match the key word to the correct definition.
    • Data
      a collection of information that can be used to answer questions ✓
    • Choices
      decisions made based on a range of options ✓
    • Display
      a way of sharing your findings and can be written, drawn, spoken ✓
  • If people live close to school, what would be a popular type of transport to get there?
    • Train
    • Bus
    • Walking  ✓
    • Scooting  ✓
  • Why do geographers draw graphs?
    • to display data  ✓
    • to colour in
    • to help make sense of findings  ✓
  • Information from your fieldwork can be displayed on ______ graphs.
    • 'Block' ✓
  • When must you complete a risk assessment?
    • before you do fieldwork  ✓
    • while you do the fieldwork
    • after you have finished the fieldwork
  • Are these familiar features human or physical features?
    • Post box
      Human feature ✓
    • Trees
      Physical feature ✓
    • Lamp posts
      Human feature ✓
    • Road crossing
      Human feature ✓
    • Park
      Physical feature ✓