Starter quiz

  • Which of these are human features that may feature in an area?
    • Tree
    • Bridge  ✓
    • House  ✓
    • River
  • Which of these physical features are you likely to see in a town or city?
    • trees  ✓
    • waterfalls
    • mountains
    • volcanoes
  • Which compass direction is missing: North, East, West...?
    • 'south' ✓
  • Which of these words are examples of locational language?
    • above  ✓
    • below  ✓
    • table
    • in between  ✓
  • Why do geographers use maps?
    • to plan routes  ✓
    • to describe locations  ✓
    • to hide from people
    • to compare different locations  ✓


  • Q5: Map Data: Google, © Data 2024 Airbus, Blueksy, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky, Maxar Technologies, The GeoInformation Group
