Starter quiz

  • What are the four main compass points?
    • north, east, south, west  ✓
    • top, bottom, right, left
    • up, down, near, far
  • Which compass direction is opposite north?
    • west
    • east
    • south  ✓
  • What is an island?
    • a piece of land that is flat
    • an area of land surrounded by water  ✓
    • a mountain top
    • a very small piece of land
  • Can you match the descriptions of the OS map symbols and letters to the correct feature?
    • Sch
      school ✓
    • red circle on a black line
      railway station ✓
    • blue bird
      nature reserve ✓
  • What is the OS map symbol for airport?
    • a helicopter
    • a blue circle
    • an aeroplane  ✓
    • a cloud
  • Which one is the human feature?
    • beach
    • wood
    • shop  ✓
    • marsh