Starter quiz

  • Match the country to the correct capital city.
    • Wales
      Cardiff ✓
    • Scotland
      Edinburgh ✓
    • Austria
      Vienna ✓
    • Spain
      Madrid ✓
  • A major city usually has a population of over ______
    • 100
    • 1000
    • 100,000  ✓
  • Which of these climate zones are found in Europe?
    • tropical
    • temperate  ✓
    • polar  ✓
  • Atlas maps are a useful way of investigating a location. They provide a ______ image.
    • '2D' ✓
  • Physical features are ______ features, for example rivers and mountains. Which word correctly fills the gap?
    • natural  ✓
    • man made
  • Which of these are physical landmarks in Europe?
    • the Alps in France  ✓
    • the Eiffel Tower in France
    • the river Thames in England  ✓
    • the Colosseum in Italy