Starter quiz

  • Put these foods in order of distance travelled to get to your supermarket, closest first...
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • What factors affect the carbon footprint of food?
    • the distance it travels to get to us  ✓
    • the transport used to get it to us  ✓
    • the way it is grown  ✓
    • how popular the food is
  • What does 'buy local' mean?
    • buy food grown near to your home  ✓
    • grow your own food
    • buy food from your local supermarket
    • reduce your food miles  ✓
  • What are the disadvantages of buying local?
    • jobs may be lost of farms and factories in other countries  ✓
    • it supports British farmers
    • food miles only form part of a foods carbon footprint  ✓
    • greenhouse gas emissions are not important
  • Which food types have the highest carbon footprint?
    • meat  ✓
    • fruit
    • dairy  ✓
    • vegetables
  • Which of these is true of intensive agriculture?
    • uses machines  ✓
    • uses chemicals and fertilizers  ✓
    • happens on small farms
    • aims to grow as many crops as possible  ✓