Starter quiz

  • More than half of the land in the UK is used for ...
    • 'agriculture' ✓
  • Match the type of line of an Ordnance Survey map with their definition.
    • horizontal lines
      are called northings  ✓
    • vertical lines
      are called eastings ✓
  • Which 4 digit grid reference tells you the location of the golf course symbol?
    Which 4 digit grid reference tells you the location of the golf course symbol?
    • 3273
    • 3473
    • 3373  ✓
  • Which grid square is Holywell Pond Nature Reserve in?
    Which grid square is Holywell Pond Nature Reserve in?
    • 3175  ✓
    • 3176
    • 3177
  • What is the main land use in grid square 3374?
    What is the main land use in grid square 3374?
    • agricultural  ✓
    • artificial surfaces
    • woodland
  • Which of these grid squares does not have a nature reserve in them?
    Which of these grid squares does not have a nature reserve in them?
    • 3374  ✓
    • 3174
    • 3575  ✓
    • 3175  ✓