Starter quiz

  • Is this feature human or physical?
    Is this feature human or physical?
    • 'physical' ✓
  • Is a river a physical or human feature?
    Is a river a physical or human feature?
    • 'physical' ✓
  • This is a <span class="blank">______</span> feature.
    This is a ______ feature.
    • 'human' ✓
  • Which two of the following are physical features?
    • Cliff  ✓
    • Farm house
    • Canal
    • Moorland  ✓
  • What is agricultural land used for?
    • housing
    • transport
    • shopping
    • farming  ✓
  • Why do we need a map key?
    • it tells us the scale of the map
    • it tells us the compass direction
    • it tells us what different lines and symbols on the map mean  ✓
    • it tells us how to get to school