Starter quiz

  • Which continent is yellow?
    Which continent is yellow?
    • Europe
    • Antarctica
    • Africa  ✓
    • North America
  • What colour is Asia on the map?
    What colour is Asia on the map?
    • cream  ✓
    • yellow
    • blue
    • green
  • Which continent is orange?
    Which continent is orange?
    • Oceania
    • Asia
    • Antarctica
    • North America  ✓
  • The UK is in the continent of ...
    • 'Europe' ✓
  • What is the name of ocean A?
    What is the name of ocean A?
    • Atlantic
    • Pacific  ✓
    • Southern
    • Arctic
    • Indian
  • What is the name of ocean B?
    What is the name of ocean B?
    • Atlantic  ✓
    • Pacific
    • Southern
    • Arctic
    • Indian