Starter quiz

  • Match the keywords to their definitions.
    • graph
      a diagram or picture that displays data ✓
    • interpret
      to decide on the meaning of something ✓
    • data
      a collection of facts or figures ✓
  • What kind of data can be added as data to maps?
    • facts  ✓
    • opinions  ✓
    • photographs  ✓
    • the names of pupils who took part in fieldwork
  • Put the stages of enquiry in the correct order.
    • 1
      create enquiry question
    • 2
      collect data
    • 3
      interpret data
    • 4
      make a conclusion
  • What are some tools that geographers use to collect data during fieldwork?
    • books
    • surveys  ✓
    • maps  ✓
    • cameras  ✓
  • How many people scored St Albans as a 3?
    How many people scored St Albans as a 3?
    • 1
    • 10
    • 15  ✓
  • Why is it good to complete pedestrian counts at three different points during a day?
    • to see changes over time  ✓
    • because it is fun doing fieldwork
    • in case you lose some of the data