Starter quiz

  • Starting with the smallest, put these settlement types in order of size.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • What type of map could geographers use to find out about a settlement in the past?
    • 'historical' ✓
  • Match the words to their meanings.
    • positive change in the area
      changes that are thought to be good ✓
    • negative change in the area
      changes that are thought to be bad ✓
    • change in the area
      changes that might be thought to be good or bad ✓
  • Match the features to the correct examples.
    • moorland
      physical ✓
    • buildings
      human ✓
    • rivers
      physical ✓
    • canals
      human ✓
  • Match the enquiry question word to its meaning.
    • where
      to ask for information about place ✓
    • why
      to ask about reasons and explanations ✓
    • when
      to ask for information about what time something happens ✓
  • What is a census?
    • a collection of data about a whole population  ✓
    • a tool used by geographers to measure air pollution
    • a map of the local area