Starter quiz

  • What can we use to measure changes in settlement size?
    • historical maps  ✓
    • census data  ✓
    • the age of the buildings
  • Match the keywords to their definitions.
    • annotate
      text or notes added onto a map or image to add more detail ✓
    • developed
      when something has changed from how it was in the past ✓
    • census
      the official collection of data about a whole population ✓
  • Order these settlement types according to their size, from largest to smallest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
      large town
    • 4
      small town
    • 5
    • 6
  • Will all settlements grow equally in all directions?
    • 'no' ✓
  • Which of these are barriers to settlement growth?
    • roads  ✓
    • rivers  ✓
    • historical sites  ✓
    • flat land
  • Choose the correct order in which St Albans has grown.
    • village, city town
    • town, village, city
    • village, town, city  ✓