Starter quiz

  • True or false? London is a megacity.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • How many countries make up the UK?
    • '4' ✓
  • ______ and font size can be used to differentiate between different settlement types on maps in atlases.
    • 'symbols' ✓
  • How many capital cities does each country have?
    • 'one' ✓
  • Match the key word and its definition.
    • settlements
      places where groups of people live and work ✓
    • population
      the number of people who live in a place ✓
    • facilities
      places where certain things happen e.g. parks for playing ✓
  • Are settlements distributed equally across the UK?
    • 'no' ✓


  • Q6: NASA Earth Observatory
