Starter quiz

  • Which city is in England?
    • Glasgow
    • Newcastle  ✓
    • Cardiff
  • Which city is in Scotland?
    • Glasgow  ✓
    • Manchester
    • Belfast
  • What is the capital city of England?
    • Manchester
    • Cardiff
    • London  ✓
    • Birmingham
  • What is the capital city of Wales?
    • Cardiff  ✓
    • Manchester
    • Glasgow
    • Belfast
  • Which city is in England?
    • Belfast
    • Glasgow
    • Manchester  ✓
  • Match the key words with their definitions.
    • development
      is when something changes, usually an improvement ✓
    • to annotate a map or photo
      is to add text or notes that provide additional information  ✓
    • comparison
      is the identification of similarities or differences ✓