Starter quiz

  • Which of the following come from plants that grow in the Amazon rainforest? Select 2 answers.
    • Brazil nuts  ✓
    • apples
    • bananas  ✓
    • blackberries
  • Which of the following are major causes of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest? Select 2 answers.
    • cattle ranching  ✓
    • offshore wind farms
    • tree planting
    • wildfires  ✓
  • Climate describes ________________. Select 1 answer.
    • what the weather is like today.
    • what the weather will be like tomorrow.
    • what the weather is like over a long period of time, typically 30 years or more.  ✓
  • The major cause of climate change is ________________. Select 1 answer.
    • volcanic eruptions
    • the burning of fossil fuels  ✓
    • changes in the earth's orbit
    • changes in the amount of solar radiation
  • Which of the following are ways people can take action against climate change? Select 2 answers.
    • flying
    • eating more meat
    • walking and cycling rather than using a car  ✓
    • insulating their homes  ✓
  • Match each keyword with its correct definition.
    • climate change
      a change in Earth's usual weather conditions over many years ✓
    • water cycle
      the process by which water is recycled again and again ✓
    • deforestation
      complete removal of trees ✓
    • erosion
      wearing away of land by forces such as wind and water ✓