Starter quiz

  • How is an uncle related to you?
    • A sister of your mother or father
    • A brother of your mother or father  ✓
    • The mother of your mother or father
  • What is a throne?
    • A special chair sat on by the king or queen  ✓
    • A special bed slept on by the king or queen
    • A special house that the king or queen live in
  • Who is allowed to sit on the throne?
    • A prince or princess
    • A duke or duchess
    • A king or queen  ✓
  • Order these events that happen in a normal day.
    • Firstly
      you go to school ✓
    • Next
      you return home ✓
    • Lastly
      you wake up in the morning ✓
  • Where do kings and queens usually live?
    • A country house
    • A palace  ✓
    • A cave
  • Elizabeth had one sister. Was Elizabeth older or younger than her sister?
    • Older  ✓
    • Younger