Starter quiz

  • Which word describes a person that travels to places that they have never been before?
    • sailor
    • passenger
    • seafarer
    • explorer  ✓
  • How did early explorers know which way to go?
    • They used maps of the land around them.
    • They followed natural features like rivers.  ✓
    • They asked for directions from other people.
  • Early explorers only travelled by foot.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • How do we know early humans used canoes?
    • The Pesse Canoe is an example of a canoe made by early humans.  ✓
    • Early humans had no other types of transport.
    • Early humans had to travel on rivers so they must have had a boat.
  • Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Early explorers carved out the inside of tree trunks to make canoes. This left a __________ space inside the canoe where they would stand.
    • big
    • hollow  ✓
    • small
    • wide
  • Why did early explorers travel to new places?
    • To find new animals to hunt for food  ✓
    • To have a rest and relax on a break
    • To learn a new language
    • To find better shelter from bad weather