Starter quiz

  • Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
    • John Franklin was in the
      Navy ✓
    • John Franklin was
      English ✓
    • John Frankiln was an
      Admiral ✓
  • How did John Franklin travel to Australia?
    • canoe
    • longboat
    • sailing ship  ✓
  • Why did John Franklin want to explore the Northwest Passage?
    • He thought it was interesting.
    • Nobody else had done it.  ✓
    • He liked to visit new places.
  • Why did John Franklin's boats get stuck?
    • the water was too deep
    • the water was too shallow
    • the water was too icy to sail through  ✓
  • What evidence is there about how John Franklin died?
    • a note was found explaining what happened  ✓
    • there are photographs of his journey
    • there are newspaper reports about what happened
  • Why did John Franklin's crew have to abandon their ships?
    • they didn't want to stay there any longer
    • to try to find food and shelter from the cold  ✓
    • John Franklin ordered them to leave the ship