Starter quiz

  • Which ocean did William Adams cross first?
    • Atlantic Ocean  ✓
    • Pacific Ocean
    • Indian Ocean
  • Which ocean did William Adams cross to reach Asia?
    • Indian Ocean
    • Atlantic Ocean
    • Pacific Ocean  ✓
  • Which country in Asia did William Adams go to?
    • Japan  ✓
    • China
    • India
  • What problem occurred soon into William Adams' journey?
    • the boat leaked
    • a sail broke
    • the crew became sick  ✓
  • Why did William Adams' fleet have to make extra stops in Africa and on islands in the Atlantic?
    • to drop people off
    • to get more food  ✓
    • to explore the area
  • On the final part of William Adams' journey to Japan, why did one ship sink?
    • a big storm sunk the ship  ✓
    • the sailors made it sink
    • it was sunk in battle