Starter quiz

  • Which people sailed in longboats?
    • Polynesians
    • Ancient Greeks
    • Early humans
    • Vikings  ✓
  • Who were the Vikings?
    • seafarers from Europe  ✓
    • soldiers from Europe
    • fighters from Europe
  • Which word means travelling along a route?
    • exploring
    • navigating  ✓
    • journeying
  • What did Vikings use to propel their longboats?
    • shields
    • oars  ✓
    • scary carvings
  • What was special about the bottom of a longboat?
    • it was wooden
    • it was curved
    • it was flat  ✓
  • What did Vikings do with their shields before a raid?
    • clean them
    • hang them over the side of the longboat  ✓
    • hold them up above their heads