Starter quiz

  • If you lived in Ancient Egypt, and you understood how to write hieroglyphs, what job would you most likely have?
    • 'scribe' ✓
  • What was found near Rosetta in 1799?
    • an ancient ruin
    • a basalt stele  ✓
    • a recent shipwreck
    • an old diary
  • What did archaeologists spend their time doing for more than 20 years after finding the Rosetta stone?
    • polishing it
    • photographing it
    • translating it  ✓
    • displaying it
  • Put these events in the order that they happened, starting with the earliest.
    • 1
      Ancient Egyptians carved text into a stele.
    • 2
      French soldiers went to inspect an old fort.
    • 3
      A chunk of carved rock was discovered in a wall.
    • 4
      The rock was removed and studied by archaeologists.
    • 5
      The rock was part of a stele which became known as the Rosetta Stone.
    • 6
      The text on the stele was translated.
    • 7
      The Rosetta Stone was put on display in a museum.
  • As time passed, why did scribes change the writing system in Ancient Egypt?
    • They wanted to use less ink.
    • There were too many different hieroglyphs to remember.
    • The pharaoh demanded that they changed it.
    • They wanted to make it quicker and easier to write down information.  ✓
  • In Ancient Egypt, what type of writing always used traditional, detailed hieroglyphs?
    • religious messages  ✓
    • numbers and counting
    • maps and directions