Starter quiz

  • What happened along the River Nile in Ancient Egypt?
    • fighting
    • farming  ✓
    • flooding  ✓
    • feasting
  • What were the two kingdoms called that were united in around 3000 BCE?
    • Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt  ✓
    • Old Egypt and New Egypt
    • North Egypt and South Egypt
    • East Egypt and West Egypt
  • True or false? The River Nile ends in Egypt.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • The Ancient Egyptian civilisation began in around 3000 BCE. What does BCE mean?
    • Before Christ Era
    • Before the Common Era  ✓
    • Before the Common Empire
    • Before Christ Existed
  • Match the words to the definitions.
    • pharaoh
      a ruler in Ancient Egypt ✓
    • Sahara Desert
      a large area of dry land in north Africa ✓
    • flood
      when river water washes over land ✓
    • farming
      growing crops or keeping animals ✓
  • Which continent is Egypt in?
    • 'Africa' ✓