Starter quiz

  • Which of the below were city states in Ancient Greece?
    • Athens  ✓
    • Alexandria
    • Sparta  ✓
    • Rome
  • What did all city states have in common?
    • the same gods and goddesses  ✓
    • the same king
    • the same form of government
    • the same language  ✓
  • What language was spoken across all of Ancient Greece?
    • 'Ancient Greek' ✓
  • What was built on the 'acropolis' in each city?
    • the marketplace
    • the baths
    • the temple  ✓
    • the government building
  • Which city state were the first people in history to form a direct democracy?
    • Sparta
    • Athens  ✓
    • Corinth
    • Hebes
  • What does a 'direct democracy' mean?
    • One leader made all decisions
    • All men were able to vote on all decisions  ✓
    • A small group of people made all decisions