Starter quiz

  • Which Empire ruled over Britain before the Anglo-Saxons arrived?
    • Viking Empire
    • Roman Empire  ✓
    • Greek Empire
    • Islamic Caliphate
  • Why did the Anglo-Saxons choose to come to Britain?
    • Their farmland kept flooding.  ✓
    • There was gold buried there.
    • They kept getting attacked by the Romans.
    • To spread their religion
  • Some Anglo-Saxons were invited to Britain by the Romans to fight off the Scots and a group called...
    • 'The Picts' ✓
  • Emperor Honorius decided that the Romans should do what?
    • invade Ireland
    • call a truce with the Scots and Picts
    • leave Britain  ✓
    • attack the Anglo-Saxons
  • Why did the Romans choose to invite the Anglo-Saxons to help them fight?
    • The Anglo-Saxons were fearsome fighters.  ✓
    • They had been allies for decades.
    • They knew the Anglo-Saxons did not like who the Romans were fighting.
    • They both believed in the same religion.
  • Anglo-Saxons is a term that historians use to discuss the Angles, Saxons and what other tribe from Europe?
    • The Romans
    • The Celts
    • The Goths
    • The Jutes  ✓