Starter quiz

  • Which Roman emperor successfully invaded Britain in 43 AD?
    • Julius Caesar
    • Nero
    • Claudius  ✓
  • When was the first (unsuccessful) invasion of Roman Britain?
    • 55 BCE  ✓
    • 40 CE
    • 50 BCE
    • 45 CE
  • Around the time of the Roman invasion, how was Britain ruled?
    • a unified kingdom with one king or queen
    • a structured republic similar to Rome
    • multiple tribes with their own leaders  ✓
  • Who was the leader of the Iceni tribe that fought back against Roman rule?
    • Boudicca  ✓
    • Hadrian
    • Brennus
    • Ambiorix
  • From earliest to latest, order these events in Roman Britain.
    • 1
      establishment of Londinium (London)
    • 2
      Boudicca's revolt against Roman rule
    • 3
      building of Hadrian's Wall
    • 4
      the Romans left Britain
  • In Roman settlements, what place was the heart of public social life, where people would shop, talk and conduct business?
    • 'Forum' ✓