Starter quiz

  • What Anglo-Saxon kingdom was ruled by King Offa and Queen Cynethryth?
    • Northumbria
    • Kent
    • Wessex
    • East Anglia
    • Mercia  ✓
  • What is the Anglo-Saxon term for a king that felt they were the ruler of all of Britain?
    • Bretwalda  ✓
    • Emperor of Britain
    • Emperor of England
    • King of England
  • Where was 'Offa's Dyke'?
    • on the border between Mercia and Northumbria
    • on the border between Mercia and the Welsh kingdoms  ✓
    • on the border between Mercia and Wessex
    • on the border between Mercia and Sussex
  • Starting with the earliest, put these events in chronological order.
    • 1
      The Romans leave Britain
    • 2
      The Anglo-Saxons arrive in Britain
    • 3
      Mercia becomes the most powerful Anglo-Saxon kingdom
    • 4
      The Synod of Whitby happens
  • What was the only Anglo-Saxon kingdom not conquered by Mercia by 800 CE?
    • Northumbria  ✓
    • Essex
    • Kent
    • Wessex
    • East-Anglia
  • What is the name given to religious beliefs that differ from the main or recognised religions?
    • 'Pagan' ✓