Starter quiz

  • In what year did the last Roman legionaries leave Hadrian's Wall?
    • 43 AD
    • 367 AD
    • 401 AD  ✓
    • 410 AD
  • What tribe did the Scots from Ireland combine with to attack Roman Britain?
    • Picts  ✓
    • Jutes
    • Saxons
    • Angles
  • Starting with the earliest event, put these events into chronological order.
    • 1
      The Romans successfully conquer Britain
    • 2
      Hadrian's Wall is built
    • 3
      The Roman Empire splits into East and West.
    • 4
      The last Roman legionaires leave Hadrian's Wall
    • 5
      The Romans leave Britain
  • Who were the Britons?
    • The Romans who conquered Britain
    • The Celtic inhabitants of Southern Britain  ✓
    • A collective word for all the tribes in Britain
    • All the people left on the island of Britain when the Romans left
  • Which parts of Britain were less Romanised towards the end of Roman rule?
    • South-East England
    • South-West England  ✓
    • Wales  ✓
    • The Midlands
    • The North  ✓
  • The Romans did not control most of Scotland. The main tribe who did were called ______.
    • 'Picts' ✓