Starter quiz

  • What is a kingdom?
    • a place ruled by an Emperor
    • a place ruled by a king or queen  ✓
    • the ruler of a region
  • When did the Anglo-Saxons begin to arrive in Britain?
    • the early 300s CE
    • the early 400s CE  ✓
    • the early 500s CE
    • the early 600s CE
  • Complete the sentence: when Anglo-Saxon tribes settled in Britain, they established settlements close to water and with great what?
    • farmland  ✓
    • animals
    • forests
    • treasure
    • buildings
  • Match the Anglo-Saxon tribe to the area they chose to settle in.
    • The Jutes
      Kent and small parts of the South ✓
    • The Angles
      The East Coast ✓
    • The Saxons
      The South and Midlands ✓
  • The seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were Northumbria, Mercia, Essex, Kent, Sussex, Wessex and ...
    • 'East Anglia' ✓
  • Select all the words that could finish this sentence: The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms all had different ...
    • rulers  ✓
    • laws  ✓
    • traditions  ✓