Starter quiz

  • A Muslim leader and ruler of a caliphate is known as a ...
    • 'caliph' ✓
  • The first caliphate after the death of Muhammad (PBUH) was the __________ Caliphate.
    • Persian
    • Ottoman
    • Umayyad
    • Rashidun  ✓
  • The __________ refers to a network of ancient trade routes between China and Europe
    • Silk Road  ✓
    • Trade Road
    • Tea Road
    • Silk Highway
  • Why was the Silk Road important to the Umayyad Caliphate?
    • it helped spread Islam to places within the Islamic Empire  ✓
    • it helped spread ideas, knowledge and inventions to different parts of the world  ✓
    • it made the Umayyads a lot of money  ✓
    • it brought an end to farming
  • In which city was the Umayyad Caliphate based?
    • Medina
    • Mecca
    • Jerusalem
    • Damascus  ✓
  • Match the place to its description.
    • Mecca
      holiest city according to Muslims ✓
    • Ka'ba
      cube-shaped building and holiest site for Muslims ✓
    • Medina
      focus of the Hijra ✓
    • Baghdad
      'City of Peace' ✓