Starter quiz

  • Muhammad (PBUH) was a leader and prophet of the ______ religion.
    • 'Islamic' ✓
  • Why is 622 CE an important year according to Muslims?
    • It is the start of the Islamic calendar.  ✓
    • Islam became the official religion in Mecca and Medina.
    • The Muslim army went to war with Byzantine and Persian Empires.
    • It is the year of Muhammad's (PBUH) migration to Medina.  ✓
  • Why was the Constitution of Medina important to Muslims?
    • It was a law that said that everyone had to follow Islam.
    • It united the southern Arabian tribes under the religion of Islam.  ✓
    • It placed the leadership of Medina in the hands of the Muslims.  ✓
    • It banned all other religions.
  • The holiest city in Islam is ...
    • 'Mecca' ✓
  • Order the events about the early success of Islam chronologically.
    • 1
      Muhammad (PBUH) migrates to Medina.
    • 2
      Muhammad (PBUH) creates the Constitution on Medina
    • 3
      Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers march on Mecca and conquer it peacefully.
    • 4
      Muhammad (PBUH) declared the Ka'ba in Mecca the most holy site in Islam.
    • 5
      Muhammad (PBUH) sent Muslim armies to conquer the Byzantines and Persians.
  • How did war with the Byzantium and Persian empires help spread Islam?
    • Muslim armies conquered territories there, where they spread the word of Islam.  ✓
    • Muslim armies conquered territories there, forcing people to follow Islam.
    • Muslim armies killed anyone who was not a Muslim.
    • People in the Byzantium and Persian empires had already become Muslim.