Starter quiz

  • Which three of these tools are used for chopping and cutting?
    • axe  ✓
    • hammer
    • knife  ✓
    • scissors  ✓
    • screw driver
  • What does an archaelogist study?
    • artefacts from prehistory  ✓
    • experiements in science
    • equations in mathematics
    • meaning of words in languages
  • What is prehistory?
    • a time before humans existed
    • a time before written records existed  ✓
    • a time before the world existed
  • What does the word evidence mean?
    • evidence is something that can be used to prove an idea  ✓
    • evidence is always a written statement or official document
    • evidence is always something that is found in the ground
  • In prehistory there were periods of time when Britain was joined to mainland Europe. What type of bridge joined Britain to Europe?
    • a land bridge  ✓
    • a rope bridge
    • a stone bridge
    • a wooden bridge
  • Scientists and historians believe different types of humans lived during prehistoric times. What two types of evidence of this is there?
    • bones  ✓
    • footprints  ✓
    • photographs
    • video footage