Starter quiz

  • What does ancient mean?
    • simple
    • new
    • very old  ✓
    • 10 years old
  • Match the labels with the correct definitions.
    • CE
      Common Era - the time since Jesus was born ✓
    • BCE
      Before the Common Era - the time before Jesus was born ✓
    • 0 CE
      the year Jesus was born ✓
  • Put the following years in order, starting with the oldest.
    • 1
      100 BCE
    • 2
      50 BCE
    • 3
      10 BCE
    • 4
      1 BCE
    • 5
      0 CE
  • How can rivers help farmers?
    • Rivers help animals learn to swim.
    • Rivers can provide water for crops.  ✓
    • Rivers stop diseases spreading.
    • Rivers have nutrients for crops.  ✓
  • How does farming help people to live in large groups?
    • Farming stops rivers flooding.
    • Farming provides a food supply for many people to eat.  ✓
    • Farmers use up all the land for their fields.
    • Farmers keep animals to make people happy.
  • How do historians study the lives of ancient people?
    • They talk to ancient people.
    • They cannot find evidence because it is too old.
    • They study ancient buildings.  ✓
    • They read ancient written records.  ✓