Starter quiz

  • Which of these were 'cradles of civilisation'?
    • Ancient Egypt  ✓
    • Shang  ✓
    • Rome
    • Indus Valley  ✓
    • Sumer  ✓
  • Match each type of ancient art to the material it was made from.
    • sculptures and statues
      stone or other hard materials ✓
    • pottery
      clay ✓
    • jewellery
      metals like gold and silver ✓
  • What kinds of settlements did civilisations first build?
    • tents
    • caves
    • cities  ✓
  • Which statement is true?
    • no early civilisations traded
    • all early civilisations traded with people from far away  ✓
    • some early civilisations traded with people from far away
  • All early civilisations created ______ made by artists and craftspeople.
    • 'art' ✓
  • What materials did ancient artists use?
    • clay  ✓
    • plastic
    • stone  ✓
    • bronze  ✓