Starter quiz

  • What do farmers grow?
    • rivers
    • cities
    • crops  ✓
    • houses
  • Match the starter sentences to the word to complete each sentence.
    • Sumer was an ancient
      civilisation. ✓
    • Sumer was in
      Mesopotamia. ✓
    • Sumerians were excellent
      farmers. ✓
  • Mesopotamia means 'the land between two ...'
    • 'rivers' ✓
  • Which two rivers was Mesopotamia between?
    • Tigris  ✓
    • Mesopotamia
    • Sumer
    • Euphrates  ✓
  • Why was farming successful in Mesopotamia?
    • The land was fertile between the two rivers  ✓
    • There were more people to grow food
    • The farmers learned to control the water  ✓
    • The farmers relied on the flood waters
  • Successful farmers grew more ______ than they needed.
    • 'food' ✓