Starter quiz

  • What does the word 'war' mean?
    • Conflict between two or more countries  ✓
    • When countries are cross with one another
    • A verbal disagreement
    • When countries want different things
  • Which sentence describes a world war?
    • A war involving many countries  ✓
    • A war between the world and another planet
    • A war fought across continents  ✓
    • A war which affected many people across the world  ✓
    • A war that only involves one country
  • Was Britain involved in World War One?
    • True ✓
    • False
  • In Britain, how do we remember those who lost their lives in war?
    • Remembrance Day  ✓
    • special church services  ✓
    • special assemblies at school  ✓
    • wearing a poppy  ✓
    • holding parties
  • Why are some historical events more significant than others?
    • affected a lot of people at the time  ✓
    • because they have a special day to remember the event
    • it caused a change in how we live  ✓
    • the Prime Minister has to agree that is is a significant event
    • it was important to people at the time  ✓
  • How could you find out about the history of your local area?
    • ask family  ✓
    • visit the library  ✓
    • research using the internet  ✓
    • visit a local church  ✓
    • visit local museums  ✓