Starter quiz

  • The inhabitants of southern Britain were called the ______.
    • 'Celts' ✓
  • What did the Romans do to the druids?
    • Allowed them to worship freely.
    • Forced them to live in one part of Britain.
    • Wiped them out on Anglesey.  ✓
    • Took them to Rome in chains.
  • Which statements are correct?
    • The Romans stopped the worship of all Celtic gods.
    • The Romans allowed the worship of Celtic gods.  ✓
    • The Romans introduced their own gods to Britain.  ✓
    • The Romans combined some of their gods with Celtic ones.  ✓
    • Celts in Britain had to respect Roman gods.  ✓
  • Where was the 'Ivory Bangle Lady' found?
    • York  ✓
    • Cirencester
    • Caerwent
    • Colchester
    • London
  • Match the building to its description.
    • forum
      people used this place to meet ✓
    • temple
      people went here to worship ✓
    • amphitheatre
      gladiator fights were held here ✓
  • Roman towns were set out in a ______ pattern.
    • 'grid' ✓