Starter quiz

  • When did Rome become an empire?
    • 264 BCE
    • 55 BCE
    • 1 CE
    • 27 BCE  ✓
  • How many times did Caesar try to invade Britain?
    • 1
    • 2  ✓
    • 3
    • 4
  • What does inequality mean?
    • The food is of poor quality.
    • Some people are treated better than others.  ✓
    • It is the value of Roman coins in other countries.
    • The voting process is free and fair.
  • Who became the first ruler of the Roman Empire?
    • Julius Caesar
    • Augustus  ✓
    • Romulus
    • Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
  • What role did the Senate play in the Roman Empire?
    • The Senate had less power than the emperor.  ✓
    • The emperor had to listen to the Senate.
    • The Senate and the emperor had the same power.
    • The Senate no longer existed.
  • Roman emperors had strengthened their position through ______.
    • 'Conquest' ✓